Got this link!!
Password : same as this website/without url.
Lego Star Wars II takes the fun and customization ability of the LEGO play pattern and combines it with the epic story, characters and action from the revolutionary Star Wars: Episodes IV, V and VI. With a unique tongue-in-cheek take on the Original Trilogy, LEGO Star Wars II lets you build and battle your way through your favorite film moments. From Darth Vader’s pursuit of Princess Leia aboard her Blockade Runner to Luke’s final confrontation with Emperor Palpatine. For the first time ever, characters can get in and out of vehicles, as well as ride creatures. Because it’s LEGO style, you can also mix and match the body parts of more than 50 playable characters to create one of millions of possible LEGO Star Wars heroes. And on PS2, Xbox and Windows platforms, a game save from the first LEGO Star Wars can unlock another 50-plus additional characters for Free Play mode — that’s more than 100 total characters. Other exciting additions include free-roaming vehicle levels, the ability to switch ships at will in Free Play mode, cool new character-specific attacks and maneuvers, playable mini-kit vehicles, an adaptive difficulty option and more.
Hidden Block (1 post(s) are required, you have 32):
Download ini dulu : http://files.indowebster.com/download/files/grf_builder
Cara Pertama sampai Ketiga Untuk setting Client Saja
Cara Keempat dan Kelima Untuk setting Server
Untuk Client Cukup Ikuti sampe Cara KeTiga aja, dan setelah itu untuk komputer Server jalanin servernya ,, dan untuk komputer Client tinggal jalanin Play.exe aja ...
cc ILexiaSoft..
liat link ini:gimana mo bikin custom equip (senjata, armor, accessories, dll) yang spritenya dari equip lain cuman nama equip dan keterangannya lain bs beri pencerahan? http://mmorpg.topicboards.com/t84-gu...-custom-item-s sejatinya sama aja kayak yg diatas tapi karena lo ga nambahin sprite item jadi make yg ada disana... klo ada yg ga jelas bingung mo ngeganti apa liat link ini... http://eathena.ws/wiki/index.php?title=Custom_Items extract file ini dari eathena.grf trus masukin ke satu folder yg namanya "data" yg berbeda dari folder ragnarok biar ga bentrok di folder ragnarok lebih baek ke folder yg laen... yg diextract apaan aja? nih: idnum2itemdesctable.txt idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt idnum2itemresnametable.txt itemslotcounttable.txt num2itemdesctable.txt num2itemdisplaynametable.txt num2itemresnametable.txt pas di search kan pasti ada 3 tuh filenya lo pake yg filename data\*.txt bukan yg data\textbk\*.txt ataupun yg data\textbk\backed\*.txt nah beres tinggal aja dulu grf buildernya trus lanjut ke bawah: misalnya kita mo ngedit blade ya... ke folder data yg lo buat tadi trus buka idnum2itemdesctable.txt
20200# An legendary one-handed sword with flat blade. Legend says this sword can change the future of mankind. Class :^777777 Sword^000000 Attack :^777777 1000^000000 Weight :^777777 80^000000 Weapon Level :^777777 4^000000 Required Level :^777777 50^000000 Applicable Job :^777777 Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000 # sekarang buka idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt
20200#Fate_Sword# abis itu buka idnum2itemresnametable.txt disini lo nyari sprite number yg lo mo jadiin tuh senjata kayak apa.. gw pake 1107 blade
20200#コ昞ケタフオ・ lakuin hal yg sama kayak diatas buat .txt yg dibawah: num2itemdesctable.txt num2itemdisplaynametable.txt num2itemresnametable.txt nah buat nambahin slot kartu di senjata lo, buka itemslotcounttable.txt
20200#4# beres deh tahap nge bikinnya sekarang balik ke grf builder... pilih merge dir trus cari folder "data" yg tadi kita buat n ok buat merge !!! trus buka item_db.txt atau item_db2.txt trus lo liat yg 1107 copy trus paste ke paling bawah...
20200,Fate_Sword,Fate Sword,4,100000,,500,1000,,1,4,0x000654E3,7,2,2,1,2,1,2,{ bonus bStr,25; bonus bAspdRate,10; bonus bCritical,20+getrefine(); },{},{} beres deh... jadi deh...
bro ILexiaSoft,boleh tuh kasih tw cr edit eksp
rate biar kita gak bete maenin RO...aye sekarang udah Assassin level 55
tapi makin naik levelnya, lawan monster gede cuma nambah exp kecil,cuma
1-2 %..apalagi kalau sudah level 70 nanti...beuh nambah exp cuma 0,1%
mohon pencerahannya bro...
selamat mencoba |