-VERSI DEPAN TERBARU - di repack buat MIRROR + eCAM Revision 660-
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SERVER 3CEAM 683 TXT + hexed client 20101116
klo mo maen seperti biasa:
- jalanin runserver.bat di folder 3Ceam revision 660 dulu tunggu ampe map_server selese ngeload...
- baru jalanin RagnarokOffline20101116.exe di folder ragnarok lo...
- minor bug interface quest...
- NPC job 3 changer (Quest) belom implement n dites working ato ga, sementara klo mo change job 3 pake NPC jobmaster aja dulu...
- no background login screen, feel free to add your background login screen...
- masi ada huruf korea alias belom semua ketranslate ke english, cuman dikit sih yg masi huruf korea tp kagak enak aja ngeliatnya...
- sorry lompat dari 3Ceam rev 679 langsung ke 3Ceam rev 683, sibuk soalnya...
- biarpun map uda update tapi mesti diedit lagi NPC warpernya buat ke map yang terbarunya...
- unbalance gara2 ada sedikit gw edit (liat di plus)
- update skill job sura sama genetic..
- map baik yang di conf/mapflag, map_cache.dat, maps_athena.conf dan map_index.txt uda diupdate so have fun with new map...
- refine sampe +20 uda gw ganti persentase berhasilnya jadi 100% so have fun nempa ampe tua (klo ga suka ya di ganti aja, ada backupnya kog)...
- dark_lord_card uda gw balikin ke semula alias ga gw edit kyk kmaren jadi imba...
Programmed by: Rytech16
well at last, use it at your own risk...
SERVER 3CEAM 673 TXT + hexed client 20100730
klo mo maen seperti biasa:
- jalanin runserver.bat di folder 3Ceam revision 660 dulu tunggu ampe map_server selese ngeload...
- baru jalanin RagnarokOffline.exe di folder ragnarok lo...
- imba gara2 gw edit itemdb.txt line ini:
4168,Dark_Lord_Card,Dark Lord Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,64,,,,,{ bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_METEOR",10,100; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_STORMGUST",10,100; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_VERMILION",10,100; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_JUPITEL",10,100; if(isequipped(4169)) { bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus bMaxSPrate,20; } },{},{}
4168,Dark_Lord_Card,Dark Lord Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,64,,,,,{ bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_METEOR",5,100; if(isequipped(4169)) { bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus bMaxSPrate,20; } },{},{}
- ngerubah waktu WOE n ngedit supaya bisa nguasain castle WOE...
- Show waktu WOE - BWK
- klo uda bisa WOE uda pasti bisa bikin guild, caranya pastiin punya item emperium trus ketik /guild(spasi)nama guild yg lo mau
klo masi ga bisa berarti lo namanya gunain huruf, angka atau simbol yg ga disupport oleh ROnya, coba ganti nama yg laen yg cm ada huruf sama angka aja...
- uda bikin guild lo mesti ngedit D:\Ragnarok\3CeAM revision 660\save\guild.txt dulu supaya bisa ikut WOE...
10001 iRiDiuM Deux 10,16,0,0,0 # # 2000003,150009,18,6,1,15,76,0,0,0 Deux 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 17,0 GuildMaster# 17,2 Special Soldier# 1,5 V V I P# 1,2 V I P# 17,0 Peon# 0,0 Position 6# 0,0 Position 7# 0,0 Position 8# 0,0 Position 9# 0,0 Position 10# 0,0 Position 11# 0,0 Position 12# 0,0 Position 13# 0,0 Position 14# 0,0 Position 15# 0,0 Position 16# 0,0 Position 17# 0,0 Position 18# 0,0 Position 19# 0,0 Newbie# 0,0,$ 0 0 10000,1 10001,1 10002,1 10003,1 10004,0 10005,0 10006,1 10007,0 10008,0 10009,0 10010,0 10011,0 10012,0 10013,0 10014,0
iRiDiuM = nama guild lo
Deux = guild master lo / nama char lo
10,16,0,0,0 = level guild, batas maksimal anggota guild, *ga tau, skill point guild, *ga tau
buat ikut WOE lo mesti nambahin skill point guild jadi 1 buat ngaktifin skill guild yg "Official Guild Approval" baru lo bisa ikut WOE...
Log message =General *Fixed a critical issue where the map server would crash when a player under the Mandragora status would cast a 3rd job skill. *Added the renewal_baselv_skill_effect config to the skill.conf battle file. This config helps create a balanced server for users who set base and job level limits higher then the normal defaults for skills that are not offensive. Mainly, buffs, debuffs, etc. *Edited a few skills that had the temp renewal_baselv_skill_ratio code to use the new renewal_baselv_skill_effect check instead.
SERVER 3CEAM 673 TXT + hexed client 20101116
klo mo maen seperti biasa:
- jalanin runserver.bat di folder 3Ceam revision 660 dulu tunggu ampe map_server selese ngeload...
- baru jalanin RagnarokOffline20101116.exe di folder ragnarok lo...
- no background login screen
- imba gara2 gw edit itemdb.txt line ini:
4168,Dark_Lord_Card,Dark Lord Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,64,,,,,{ bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_METEOR",10,100; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_STORMGUST",10,100; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_VERMILION",10,100; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_JUPITEL",10,100; if(isequipped(4169)) { bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus bMaxSPrate,20; } },{},{}
4168,Dark_Lord_Card,Dark Lord Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,64,,,,,{ bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_METEOR",5,100; if(isequipped(4169)) { bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus bMaxSPrate,20; } },{},{}
- ngerubah waktu WOE n ngedit supaya bisa nguasain castle WOE...
- Show waktu WOE - BWK
- klo uda bisa WOE uda pasti bisa bikin guild, caranya pastiin punya item emperium trus ketik /guild(spasi)nama guild yg lo mau
klo masi ga bisa berarti lo namanya gunain huruf, angka atau simbol yg ga disupport oleh ROnya, coba ganti nama yg laen yg cm ada huruf sama angka aja...
- uda bikin guild lo mesti ngedit D:\Ragnarok\3CeAM revision 660\save\guild.txt dulu supaya bisa ikut WOE...
10001 iRiDiuM Deux 10,16,0,0,0 # # 2000003,150009,18,6,1,15,76,0,0,0 Deux 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - 17,0 GuildMaster# 17,2 Special Soldier# 1,5 V V I P# 1,2 V I P# 17,0 Peon# 0,0 Position 6# 0,0 Position 7# 0,0 Position 8# 0,0 Position 9# 0,0 Position 10# 0,0 Position 11# 0,0 Position 12# 0,0 Position 13# 0,0 Position 14# 0,0 Position 15# 0,0 Position 16# 0,0 Position 17# 0,0 Position 18# 0,0 Position 19# 0,0 Newbie# 0,0,$ 0 0 10000,1 10001,1 10002,1 10003,1 10004,0 10005,0 10006,1 10007,0 10008,0 10009,0 10010,0 10011,0 10012,0 10013,0 10014,0
iRiDiuM = nama guild lo
Deux = guild master lo / nama char lo
10,16,0,0,0 = level guild, batas maksimal anggota guild, *ga tau, skill point guild, *ga tau
buat ikut WOE lo mesti nambahin skill point guild jadi 1 buat ngaktifin skill guild yg "Official Guild Approval" baru lo bisa ikut WOE...
Log message =General *Fixed a critical issue where the map server would crash when a player under the Mandragora status would cast a 3rd job skill. *Added the renewal_baselv_skill_effect config to the skill.conf battle file. This config helps create a balanced server for users who set base and job level limits higher then the normal defaults for skills that are not offensive. Mainly, buffs, debuffs, etc. *Edited a few skills that had the temp renewal_baselv_skill_ratio code to use the new renewal_baselv_skill_effect check instead.
SERVER 3CEAM 674 TXT + hexed client 20100730
klo mo maen seperti biasa:
- jalanin runserver.bat di folder 3Ceam revision 660 dulu tunggu ampe map_server selese ngeload...
- baru jalanin RagnarokOffline.exe di folder ragnarok lo...
All Fixed, No Minus
Log message =General *Sorcerer 2011 update has been applied. -A few parts of the skills wernt updated yet due to -some issues and will be done later. Elemental spirit -related stuff were not touched and will be worked on in -a seprate update in the future when I do my 2nd pass on -all the jobs. If anything was changed, its due to small -updates I had to do when updating. =Skills *SO_FIREWALK -Updated damage ratio formula to official. *SO_ELECTRICWALK -Updated damage ratio formula to official. *SO_SPELLFIST -Updated damage formula. *SO_EARTHGRAVE -Fix cast time added *SO_DIAMONDDUST -Updated fixed cast time *SO_POISON_BUSTER -Fixed a issue where the skill wasnt loading its cast and cooldown timer's. -Updated the variable cast time. -updated the fixed cast time. -Updated damage ratio formula. *SO_CLOUD_KILL -Updated the fixed cast. *SO_STRIKING -Fixed a issue where the skill had incorrectly set fixed and variable cast times. -Fixed a issue where the skill wasnt increasing target's CRIT correctly. -Updated added weapon attack damage formula. -Corrected SP drain to official. *SO_WARMER -Updated variable cast time. -Updated the fixed cast time. -Updated the cooldown time. -Updated the healing formula. *SO_VARETYR_SPEAR -Updated the variable cast time. -Updated the fixed cast time. -Updated the stun duration. -Updated damage ratio formula to official. *SO_ARRULLO -Updated the variable cast time. -Updated the fixed cast time. =Elemental Spirits Skills +Agni *EL_HEATER -Increases the percentage SO_WARMER heals on players. +Ventus *EL_GUST, EL_BLAST, and EL_WILD_STORM -Now reduces fixed cast by a fixed amount of 1 second. -This update was acturally applied in r667.
SERVER 3CEAM 674 TXT + hexed client 20101116
klo mo maen seperti biasa:
- jalanin runserver.bat di folder 3Ceam revision 660 dulu tunggu ampe map_server selese ngeload...
- baru jalanin RagnarokOffline20101116.exe di folder ragnarok lo...
- no background login screen, feel free to add your background login screen...
- masi ada huruf korea alias belom semua ketranslate ke english, cuman dikit sih yg masi huruf korea tp kagak enak aja ngeliatnya...
Log message =General *Sorcerer 2011 update has been applied. -A few parts of the skills wernt updated yet due to -some issues and will be done later. Elemental spirit -related stuff were not touched and will be worked on in -a seprate update in the future when I do my 2nd pass on -all the jobs. If anything was changed, its due to small -updates I had to do when updating. =Skills *SO_FIREWALK -Updated damage ratio formula to official. *SO_ELECTRICWALK -Updated damage ratio formula to official. *SO_SPELLFIST -Updated damage formula. *SO_EARTHGRAVE -Fix cast time added *SO_DIAMONDDUST -Updated fixed cast time *SO_POISON_BUSTER -Fixed a issue where the skill wasnt loading its cast and cooldown timer's. -Updated the variable cast time. -updated the fixed cast time. -Updated damage ratio formula. *SO_CLOUD_KILL -Updated the fixed cast. *SO_STRIKING -Fixed a issue where the skill had incorrectly set fixed and variable cast times. -Fixed a issue where the skill wasnt increasing target's CRIT correctly. -Updated added weapon attack damage formula. -Corrected SP drain to official. *SO_WARMER -Updated variable cast time. -Updated the fixed cast time. -Updated the cooldown time. -Updated the healing formula. *SO_VARETYR_SPEAR -Updated the variable cast time. -Updated the fixed cast time. -Updated the stun duration. -Updated damage ratio formula to official. *SO_ARRULLO -Updated the variable cast time. -Updated the fixed cast time. =Elemental Spirits Skills +Agni *EL_HEATER -Increases the percentage SO_WARMER heals on players. +Ventus *EL_GUST, EL_BLAST, and EL_WILD_STORM -Now reduces fixed cast by a fixed amount of 1 second. -This update was acturally applied in r667.
SERVER 3CEAM 675 TXT + hexed client 20100730
klo mo maen seperti biasa:
- jalanin runserver.bat di folder 3Ceam revision 660 dulu tunggu ampe map_server selese ngeload...
- baru jalanin RagnarokOffline.exe di folder ragnarok lo...
- minor bug interface quest...
- NPC job 3 changer (Quest) belom implement n dites working ato ga, sementara klo mo change job 3 pake NPC jobmaster aja dulu...
Log message =General -This is a 2nd pass for the Royal Guard 2011 updates. -This update fixes some critical balances and bugs issues -that's existed for quite some time. =Skills *CR_REFLECTSHIELD -Fixed a issue where the amount of reflected damaged was capped to the caster's MaxHP. -The skill now works the old original way it did before renewal existed. *LG_REFLECTDAMAGE -No longer reflects ranged and magic damage. Only melee damage is reflected now. -Damage is now reflected by a percentage chance. -Now reflects a set number of attacks before ending the status. -SP drain has been updated. *LG_SHIELDSPELL -Ooooooooh my god there's so much done here its unreal. Get ready for a long list of changes. -Fixed a issue where each of the 3 effects on each skill level had a uneven chance of being selected. -Fixed a issue where the skill would sometimes not do anything after casting. -Fixed a issue where status's wouldn't activate after their effect was selected by random. -The following below is updates for each of the effects.... +Lv 1 / Effect 1 (Self Splash AoE Attack) -Fixed a issue where shield DEF would increase the damage ratio more then it should. -Updated damage formula to official. -Now deals forced neutral element damage. -Shield DEF now affects splash AoE size. +Lv 1 / Effect 2 (Damage Reflection) -Fixed a issue where shield DEF would add more reflection percentages then it should. -Updated reflection percentage formula to official. -Shield DEF now properly affects effect duration. +Lv 1 / Effect 3 (Weapon Attack Increase) -Fixed a issue where shield DEF would increase the weapon attack more then it should. -Updated the weapon attack increase formula to official. -Shield DEF now properly affects effect duration. +Lv 2 / Effect 1 (Self Splash AoE Magic Attack) -Updated damage formula to official. -Now deals forced holy element damage. -Shield MDEF now affects splash AoE size. -No longer knocks enemys back. +Lv 2 / Effect 2 (Self Splash AoE Lex Divina) -Fixed a issue where the status icon would count in a negative value and remain on screen. -Shield MDEF now affects splash AoE size. -Changed how much shield MDEF affects duration. +Lv 2 / Effect 3 (Magnificent) -No change. +Lv 3 / Effect 1 (Status Resistance Increase) -Made a place holder for this effect to code in a future update. -The effect does nothing right now and will end other shield spell effects if triggered. +Lv 3 / Effect 2 (DEF Increase) -Changed code to assign effect as effect 2. -Fixed a issue where effect wasn't properly giving DEF. -Updated formula to a converted official formula for non-renewal mechanics. -Shield refine rate now affects the amount of DEF increased. -Shield refine rate now affects status duration. +Lv 3 / Effect 3 (HP Recovery) -Fixed a issue where the effect wouldn't end other shield spell status's and effects. -Updated the heal formula to official.
SERVER 3CEAM 675 TXT + hexed client 20101116
klo mo maen seperti biasa:
- jalanin runserver.bat di folder 3Ceam revision 660 dulu tunggu ampe map_server selese ngeload...
- baru jalanin RagnarokOffline20101116.exe di folder ragnarok lo...
- minor bug interface quest...
- NPC job 3 changer (Quest) belom implement n dites working ato ga, sementara klo mo change job 3 pake NPC jobmaster aja dulu...
- no background login screen, feel free to add your background login screen...
- masi ada huruf korea alias belom semua ketranslate ke english, cuman dikit sih yg masi huruf korea tp kagak enak aja ngeliatnya...
Log message =General -This is a 2nd pass for the Royal Guard 2011 updates. -This update fixes some critical balances and bugs issues -that's existed for quite some time. =Skills *CR_REFLECTSHIELD -Fixed a issue where the amount of reflected damaged was capped to the caster's MaxHP. -The skill now works the old original way it did before renewal existed. *LG_REFLECTDAMAGE -No longer reflects ranged and magic damage. Only melee damage is reflected now. -Damage is now reflected by a percentage chance. -Now reflects a set number of attacks before ending the status. -SP drain has been updated. *LG_SHIELDSPELL -Ooooooooh my god there's so much done here its unreal. Get ready for a long list of changes. -Fixed a issue where each of the 3 effects on each skill level had a uneven chance of being selected. -Fixed a issue where the skill would sometimes not do anything after casting. -Fixed a issue where status's wouldn't activate after their effect was selected by random. -The following below is updates for each of the effects.... +Lv 1 / Effect 1 (Self Splash AoE Attack) -Fixed a issue where shield DEF would increase the damage ratio more then it should. -Updated damage formula to official. -Now deals forced neutral element damage. -Shield DEF now affects splash AoE size. +Lv 1 / Effect 2 (Damage Reflection) -Fixed a issue where shield DEF would add more reflection percentages then it should. -Updated reflection percentage formula to official. -Shield DEF now properly affects effect duration. +Lv 1 / Effect 3 (Weapon Attack Increase) -Fixed a issue where shield DEF would increase the weapon attack more then it should. -Updated the weapon attack increase formula to official. -Shield DEF now properly affects effect duration. +Lv 2 / Effect 1 (Self Splash AoE Magic Attack) -Updated damage formula to official. -Now deals forced holy element damage. -Shield MDEF now affects splash AoE size. -No longer knocks enemys back. +Lv 2 / Effect 2 (Self Splash AoE Lex Divina) -Fixed a issue where the status icon would count in a negative value and remain on screen. -Shield MDEF now affects splash AoE size. -Changed how much shield MDEF affects duration. +Lv 2 / Effect 3 (Magnificent) -No change. +Lv 3 / Effect 1 (Status Resistance Increase) -Made a place holder for this effect to code in a future update. -The effect does nothing right now and will end other shield spell effects if triggered. +Lv 3 / Effect 2 (DEF Increase) -Changed code to assign effect as effect 2. -Fixed a issue where effect wasn't properly giving DEF. -Updated formula to a converted official formula for non-renewal mechanics. -Shield refine rate now affects the amount of DEF increased. -Shield refine rate now affects status duration. +Lv 3 / Effect 3 (HP Recovery) -Fixed a issue where the effect wouldn't end other shield spell status's and effects. -Updated the heal formula to official.
SERVER 3CEAM 676 TXT + hexed client 20100730
klo mo maen seperti biasa:
- jalanin runserver.bat di folder 3Ceam revision 660 dulu tunggu ampe map_server selese ngeload...
- baru jalanin RagnarokOffline.exe di folder ragnarok lo...
- minor bug interface quest...
- NPC job 3 changer (Quest) belom implement n dites working ato ga, sementara klo mo change job 3 pake NPC jobmaster aja dulu...
Log message =General *Replaced all shield MDEF check coding with code from rAthena. -The code is more stable, effective, and fixes a exploit with the skill below. -A thanks goes out to Ind for giving me some tips on what to do. =Skills *LG_SHIELDSPELL -Fixed a exploit where a player could constantly increase Lv 2's -damage, effectiveness, and durations to extremely high values.
SERVER 3CEAM 676 TXT + hexed client 20101116
klo mo maen seperti biasa:
- jalanin runserver.bat di folder 3Ceam revision 660 dulu tunggu ampe map_server selese ngeload...
- baru jalanin RagnarokOffline20101116.exe di folder ragnarok lo...
- minor bug interface quest...
- NPC job 3 changer (Quest) belom implement n dites working ato ga, sementara klo mo change job 3 pake NPC jobmaster aja dulu...
- no background login screen, feel free to add your background login screen...
- masi ada huruf korea alias belom semua ketranslate ke english, cuman dikit sih yg masi huruf korea tp kagak enak aja ngeliatnya...
Log message =General *Replaced all shield MDEF check coding with code from rAthena. -The code is more stable, effective, and fixes a exploit with the skill below. -A thanks goes out to Ind for giving me some tips on what to do. =Skills *LG_SHIELDSPELL -Fixed a exploit where a player could constantly increase Lv 2's -damage, effectiveness, and durations to extremely high values.
JUST INFORMATION !! 
Files diatas mengandung:
1. Ragnarok Main Client & Ragnarok Renewal terbaru...
2. 4 server yaitu eAthena Trunk revision 14369 TXT, 3CeAM Trunk revision 660 TXT,RAthena Trunk revision 15734 SQL ama3CeAM Trunk revision 453 TXT...
3. hexed client 2010-07-07bRagexeRE
NB: Untuk ngejalanin RAthena Trunk revision 15734 SQL lo butuh program SQL contohnya MYSQL dsb. O iya yg server RAthena Trunk revision 15734 SQL juga belom di compile jadi mesti di compile dulu klo mo maenin server ini...
buat yg ga ada suara pada awal maenin emang bgitu bro biarpun uda di setup juga tetep aja kgk ada suaranya klo servernya di restart, jadi klo mulai maen pencet esc trus pilih tab sound trus centangin dah ATAU untuk ngefix bug ini lo pake server 3ceam standalone yg uda gw upload... Cara bikin ID baru:
Files diatas mengandung:
1. Ragnarok Main Client & Ragnarok Renewal terbaru...
2. 4 server yaitu eAthena Trunk revision 14369 TXT, 3CeAM Trunk revision 660 TXT,RAthena Trunk revision 15734 SQL ama3CeAM Trunk revision 453 TXT...
3. hexed client 2010-07-07bRagexeRE
NB: Untuk ngejalanin RAthena Trunk revision 15734 SQL lo butuh program SQL contohnya MYSQL dsb. O iya yg server RAthena Trunk revision 15734 SQL juga belom di compile jadi mesti di compile dulu klo mo maenin server ini...
- Hide ID baru
- Hide Cara yg lama biar lo ngerti
- 1. open explorer cari folder ragnarok trus pilih server yg lo gunain...
2. trus cari folder save trus files notepad "account"
- Show nih
3. trus edit yg 2000005[tab]nama id lo[tab]password lo[tab]cowo(M) / cewe(F)[tab]email[tab]0[tab]0[tab]0[tab]0[tab]0[tab]-[tab]-[tab]0000-00-00[tab]
4. beres, jgn lupa tab yg terakhir itu penting klo lo ga pencet tab id lo ga bakal bisa dimaenin...
5. klo lo mo maen jadi GM ganti yg gw bold merah jadi angka 99...
2000005[tab]nama id lo[tab]password lo[tab]cowo(M) / cewe(F)[tab]email[tab]0[tab]0[tab]0[tab]0[tab]0[tab]-[tab]-[tab]0000-00-00
- Hide Cara cepet buat yg ga mau susah
1. langsung maen seperti biasa, trus pas di login screen lo tulis di id namaidyglomau_M untuk id cowo klo id cewe namaidyglomau_F jangan lupa pakein password...
2. untuk kedua kali dan seterusnya pas login pake id itu ga usa pake _F atau _M lagi tinggal id yg td lo bikin ama passwordnya... Cara edit char:- Hide Edit Char
- 1. open explorer cari folder ragnarok trus pilih server yg lo gunain...
2. trus cari folder save trus files notepad "athena"
- Hide nih
3. nah lo liat nama char lo yg mana misal gw pake yg kuro...
- Hide nih
4. nah gw kasih ni keterangan nya:
- Hide keterangan angkanya
150007 : nomor char
2000003,4 : char ada di id mana ama slot brp
12,54,17 : yg 12 itu nomor job (cari di server-db-const.txt) , 54 itu base level , 17 job level
55590,2066,89907668 : base exp, job exp, zeny
3002,3044 : remaining HP ama total HP
272,354 : remaining SP ama total SP
5,54,5,5,52,11 : status lo urutannya gini nih strengh, agility, vitality, inteligence, dexterity, luck
0,0 : ini yang paling penting, untuk 0 pertama itu point buat naikin status pas level up, untuk 0 kedua itu job skill point untuk naikin skill lo
sisanya ga usa di edit bikin reppot doang itu item yg ada di char lo ama quest yg lo jalanin...
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IT-Database Admin, Thanks Bro dah liat blog gw. tolong share dan kalau bisa donate. Dan bila ada Dead Links Tolong Commentny yaa.. biar gw ksih app,atau trick keren lgi ^^