15 Desember 2013, update
1. Registration in here
2. then if u has sign in , in intuit.com then select logout, stay out with that website until 2x24 hours, or ur account will be suspended
3. after 2x 24 jhours, Sign in to intuit.com.then follow my instructions : SELECT Domain - sign name of domain u want , then Check Availability
4. if success , then select Get Domain but if domain name has ready stock , u must Search Again new domain
5. then type the form in front of u. Confirm Your Contact Info for confirm ur email. then u must select save & Continue.
Note : Adress and telp number can type with , other country address if the option from ur country cant be typed again.
6. then u will going to form confirmation, Dont Check! DOMAIN PRIVACY!! then check. agree to the Terms of Service , after that select submit
7. then u will see popup: Please Enter Your Billing Information ,then type like in bottom picture, then select Purchase:
Cara Mendapatkan Domain TLD Gratis
For those who have the VCC
Billing Address: Free
Billing Information:
* Name On Card: your name
* Card Type: Visa
* Credit Card Number: Credit card number
* Expiration Date: content data expired
* Card Security Number: CVV ur private number
Bagi yang memiliki VCC
Billing Address: Bebas
Billing Information:
* Name On Card: Nama kalian
* Card Type: Visa
* Credit Card Number: Credit card number kalian
* Expiration Date: isi data expirednya
* Card Security Number: isi CVV agan
Download VCC gratis
( Free VCC 15 December 2013 - Update ke 7 - Ads 2x skip)
( Free VCC 15 December 2013 - Update ke 7 - Ads 2x skip)
-Clicks the Images-
Or :
lanjutkan sob, semoga selalu berkembang blognya. Pererat silaturahminya ;D